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The purpose of the Center for Teaching and Learning to tell the university’s story about using evidence-based teaching to improve student learning. It showcases how BHSU faculty develop the context for learning and embrace reflective practices. In addition, the Center for Teaching and Learning features evidenced-based instruction, teaching resources, and active learning strategies.

Presented by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University and the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)



Creating Instructional Vitality & Improved Learning

The role of faculty in developing the context for learning is critical… perhaps their greatest responsibility is to embrace reflective practice and engage in research to improve student learning. (Schmuck, 1997; p.20)

To respond to the challenge of promoting the use of best practices in teaching and learning, BHSU has established a faculty development model to serve as the foundation to increase student engagement in active learning. This faculty development initiative is grounded in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to guide the use of evidence-based teaching practices (Kreber, 2006) and to measure the impact of instruction on student learning.

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching promotes the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) as the most acceptable approach in higher education to help faculty reflect on their teaching and contribute to the knowledge base of improving student learning (McKinney, 2007). They outline the benefits of the scholarship of teaching and learning as follows:

  • SoTL emphasizes the science of teaching and learning
  • SoTL links effective teaching with improved student learning
  • SoTL structures and supports reflective practice
  • SoTL connects faculty who share a passion for teaching
  • SoTL empowers faculty to improve instruction
  • SoTL increases career satisfaction with college teaching

What is the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning?

The scholarship of teaching and learning is recognized around the world and within various disciplines as a systematic structure for faculty to achieve teaching goals to meet a teaching institution’s expectations for promotion and tenure (McKinney, 2007). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is a form of the scholarship of discovery and/or the scholarship of integration (Boyer, 1990) because it exhibits methodological rigor based on the following three characteristics:

  • Systematic and deliberate study of teaching and learning occurs;
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used; and,
  • Evaluation is based on the standards of qualitative and/or quantitative traditions in the discipline.

BHSU Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Outside SoTL:
  • Daniel Bernstein - How SoTL-Active Faculty Members Can Be Cosmopolitan Assets to an Institution
  • Carolin Kreber - The Transformative Potential of the Scholarship of Teaching
  • Keith Trigwell - Evidence of the Impact of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Purposes

In addition, SoTL has critical implications and/or outcomes as evidenced by:

  • Results of the research study are applied to improve the practice of teaching
  • Applicability and utility of the research can be generalized beyond the original classroom study
  • Results of the research study are used to enhance the quality of learning
  • Traditional course issues, materials or instructional methods can be addressed in new ways

SoTL is peer reviewed by qualified scholars in relevant fields who critically evaluate the work’s rigor and its implications. It is made public when the scholar uses conventional academic venues appropriate to the discipline to affect the practice of others by disseminating the results at professional conferences, in journals, or at juried exhibits.


Boyer, E. L. (1990).Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate.San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

CASTL Summer Academy (2005).Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in cooperation with the American Association for Higher education.

Kreber, C. (ed.).(Fall,2006).Exploring research-basedteaching.New Directions for Teaching and Learning #107.San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

McKinney, K. (2007).Enhancing learning through the scholarship of teaching and learning.San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.



Top 12 Teaching and Learning Issues

" The Courage to Teach Moment"

What good teachers do
We become teachers for reasons of the heart.
But many lose heart as time goes by.
How can we take heart, alone and together,
So we can give heart to our students and our world
which is what good teachers do.

Palmer, Parker (1998), Teaching From Within, In The Courage to Teach (pp. 1) San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

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