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Student Organizations - Get Involved



You can join the group and expand your education with special and exceptional needs through activities and conventions. The group hosts several local activities, including holiday dances for the Northern Hills Training Center and the 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills Special Services groups.


Future Teachers Association, FTA, is a student organization and resource for 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University prospective education majors and preservice teachers. The association aims to support future educators through professional development, socials, and classroom experiences. We inspire students and promote lifelong learning in classes, community experiences, and much more.

 Organizational Monthly Meetings

When: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Where: Trump Conference Room
Interested in more information? Contact Advisor Dr. Sydney Haugland at sydney.haugland@bhsu.edu


Leadership Team:

Co-Chair: Nakeisha Elleston
Co-Chair: Paige Deyo
Secretary: Nakeisha Elleston
Representative: Kailey Rector


FTA Highlights: Recent photos from our social events, professional development, volunteer work, and campus engagement!
Five Future Teachers Association members pose for a photo.             Three Future Teachers Association members pose with a class of preschool students.
Homecoming Kiddie Carnival Rainbow Preschool BHSU Buddies



Phi Delta Kappa International is the premier professional association for educators. For more than 100 years, it has focused its work on the tenets of service, research, and leadership. Specifically, PDK is one of the largest education associations in the world and has thousands of members dedicated to improving education, including teachers, principals, superintendents, and higher education faculty and administrators.



The SDEA works to better education for both teachers and students. They work with elected officials to pass bills that help the education system. They also work with local leaders to increase education funding for local schools. The SDEA also provides development sessions and training for educators to help continue developing their craft through hands-on learning.



BHSU Talking Hands strives to educate others about sign language (American Sign Language, Signing Exact English, along with other forms of sign language). Its purpose is to help students, faculty, staff, and community members learn sign language while developing lasting relationships. BHSU Talking Hands aims to have both community and university involvement by volunteering and participating in university activities. In the community, members have participated in activities such as teaching sign language to children at area Boys and Girls Clubs as well as performing for community groups to introduce them to the power of sign language.



Are you a BHSU student looking to make a positive difference in the life of a child? If so, Teammates may be the program for you!

Teammates is a mentorship program that links K-12 students in our community with BHSU education majors for 1 hour each week. One of the first clinical experiences of 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University’s students who want to become teachers is focused on developing caring skills. Research shows that teachers who care and can demonstrate their caring have a greater capacity to increase student achievement. Toward that end, sophomore-level students are given the opportunity to participate in Teammates.

Contact Dr. Breon at Breon.Derby@BHSU.edu or 605.642.6977 for more information.

Contact Info

Office for School of Education
Jonas 203, Jonas Academic Map
Phone: 605-642-6550

新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University
1200 University St.
Spearfish, SD, USA 57799