

BHSU and Yellow Jacket Foundations Announce Merger

The 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University Foundation and the Yellow Jacket Foundation recently announced their merger into a single organization. As of Jan. 1, the two nonprofits will move forward doing business as the 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University Foundation according to BHSU Vice President of University Advancement Steve Meeker.   

The merger has been discussed for several years to simplify donations for donors and operations for the University Advancement Office. Meeker said donors were often confused as to which foundation they should give their gift to, while other donors weren’t aware more than one foundation existed. The BHSU Foundation has always supported academic scholarships, equipment, faculty/staff, brick and mortar improvements, while the Yellow Jacket Foundation has supported athletic scholarships and operations. The University Advancement Office has provided operational support for both foundations throughout the years. The two-foundation concept has been unique to BHSU as most universities have only one. 

“We were having meetings, minutes and audits for both foundations,” said Meeker. “Time and money will be saved, not to mention no further confusion on giving. Gifts to the BHSU Foundation moving forward will support all aspects of the campus and earmarks will be driven by donors.” 

The Yellow Jacket Foundation was formed in 1974 and the BHSU Foundation in 1975. The combined assets total over $38 million and support the university annually with over $2.6 million a year. For information on supporting BHSU, contact Steve.Meeker@BHSU.edu or call (605) 642-6385.