

Research Symposium Banner

BLACK HILLS 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ SYMPOSIUM

The 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills Research Symposium (BHRS) is an interdisciplinary conference to showcase undergraduate research activity in the 新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills region. The 26th Annual BHRS is scheduled for through .

The Co-Chairs for the 26th BHRS are Dr. Rudia Kihura and Dr. Parthasarathi Nag

Contact Info

Dr. Parthasarathi Nag
Undergraduate Research Coordinator
JS 148 Map
Phone: 605.642.6507

School of Mathematics and Social Sciences
新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University
1200 University St. Unit 9003
Spearfish, SD, USA 57799-9003