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Student Counseling Center

Respect, Compassion, Acceptance, Growth
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Our Commitment to You

新万博app_新万博体育-娱乐*官网@ Hills State University Counseling Center provides on-campus counseling to currently enrolled students. Our professional counselors at BHSU are committed to providing unbiased, culturally sensitive, high-quality care to students in a non-judgmental, objective, confidential setting. Our counseling services are for a wide variety of concerns such as day-to-day stress, immediate crisis, academic concerns, relationship stressors, adjustment concerns, personal growth, trauma recovery, etc.

You Are Welcome Here

We are dedicated to affirming respect, compassion, and acceptance for all, and we celebrate diversity with regard to all backgrounds and identities, including but not limited to: ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds; languages; mental health; sexual, gender, and affectional identities; physical, sensory, and cognitive/learning abilities; body sizes and shapes; ages; relationship and reproductive statuses; military service; religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs; socioeconomic statuses; substance use and those in recovery; and others for whom there is not yet commonly shared language to discuss your identities.